Feminist Horror Unleashed
Explore chilling tales that take societal norms to a violent end.
Explore chilling tales that take societal norms to a violent end.
Rhiannon Futch is a paranormal romance author and Chaos Coordinator, tarot deck collector, rescue dog mom, and craft enthusiast. She has been published since 2019 and is happily settled into writing vampire smut.
*Record screech noise here* Until the 2024 election she was happily settled into the one genre. Now she is writing feminist horror novellas, blending her feminism with a dark nature and an immense well of feminine rage.
Wolfie, She-ra, and Daemon are her fully spoiled doggos who live for outdoor games and treat time. She is a night owl with a deep love of fall and winter and teaches yoga to authors but has never managed a headstand.
She is rarely found out in the world, preferring deep woods in the winter and cool writing spaces during the summer. Rhiannon lives in eastern North Carolina currently, with hopes of returning to the mountains of western North Carolina.